Nachstehend die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten zum Laufkurs. Solltest Du darüber hinaus Fragen haben, stelle diese einfach per Email an kurse@lgmf.de oder per WhatsApp an +49 151 209 797 51.

  • Who is the course aimed at?

  • The course is aimed at all beginners and returning runners aged 15-65+.

  • I would like to take part, but I can't make the first (second/third) date.

  • No problem. You can join the course up to the third date without any problems.

  • Weekly exercise - what is it?

  • The weekly exercise consists of an independent repetition of the running unit of the respective course week. You can do the weekly exercise alone. Or, you can meet up with other course participants.

  • Weekly exercise? I don't have that much time. Then the course is not for me - I can't keep up!

  • No problem. The course is designed in such a way that you can easily achieve the course goal even without the weekly task. The weekly task complements the Tuesday training.

  • Weekly exercise? I already go to the gym several times a week.

  • Great. Then you already have a supplementary training. We will then discuss individually how this can be integrated with the weekly exercise.

  • Do I have to bring a basic fitness level for the course?

  • No and yes. You should be able to walk 3 km in less than 40 minutes. If you are unsure, please contact us directly.

  • Do I need to buy new running shoes?

  • If you still have running shoes that work, no. A running shoe in good working order does not have a worn sole, the cushioning is not brittle and the upper material is not defective. We will be happy to check this in the first class.

  • What about music?

  • No music is allowed during the course – music is distracting in several ways.

  • Do I need a heart rate monitor or heart rate belt?

  • No. The training method used in the course is based on heart rate, but with a little practice you can also measure your pulse by hand. You can consider buying a fitness wristband or heart rate monitor if you have been running regularly for a while. By the way, many smartwatches also have a pulse measurement function.

  • What about drinking?

  • Make sure you drink enough throughout the day. As long as you don't have any other drinking recommendations from your doctor, drink 1.5 - 2 litres a day. Drink your last glass at least half an hour before your workout. On hot days you can bring a bottle of water to the training session, but drink at the end of the session and not during the run.

  • What about eating?

  • Eat your last meal at least an hour before training – and then don't eat heavy meals and don't eat too much.

  • What is this about this PAPS test that I am supposed to confirm on the registration form?

  • First a quote on this: "Regular physical activity has a positive effect on health and is recommended by the German Olympic Sports Confederation and all medical societies. However, sport is no guarantee for a risk-free state of health. Familial, but also lifestyle-related risk factors are partly independent of the training condition and should be known in advance."
    As LG Meulenwald Föhren, it is important to us that the course participants not only have a lot of fun and enjoy running, but that we want them to stay healthy and that running does them good. That's why we ask you to take the PAPS test. And when you register for the course, we ask you to confirm that you have answered the questionnaire of the PAPS test (Personal Activity and Prevention Screening) www.paps-test.de and that you have taken note of the result.

  • Do I have to bring the results of the PAPS test with me to the beginning of the course?

  • No. It is your personal health data. It is sufficient to confirm on the registration form that you have taken the test.

  • The result of the PAPS test is that I have risk factors. And now?

  • The evaluation of the test questions is done with caution. If you answered yes to questions about cardiovascular disease, consult your family doctor. If you are unsure about anything else, talk to your GP and go through the questions together. The course is not a competitive sport and does not include any competitive sport units.